Hi Everyone,

Sharing a Devotional with you from Psalm 62: 5-8

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honour depend on God, he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

David in this Psalm repeats the phrase He is my rock and salvation, he is my fortress from verse 2 in this chapter. This is so interesting because David needed to remind himself of that truth as much as we do. Finding rest in God is so powerful because no matter the circumstance or situation we can rest in the presence of God. God does call us to rest at times and to trust in Him. David is reminded that it is resting in God is where his hope is in. He hopes as he rests in the presence of God. David then goes on to remind himself of who God is and the gift God gives to us. God is his rock and salvation and that he will not be shaken. Picturing a rock as something that is hard and sturdy. It is a picture of God being steadfast, strong and consistent. David is reminding himself of the truth of who God is for his own heart.

Everything David depends on is in the Lord, his identity comes from the Lord. His salvation and honour depends on God. Again David reminds himself that he cannot do it on his own and need’s God to walk with him. This is us today as well, we cannot do what God called us to do without him. God has called us to be his hands and feet for him, but we need Him to guide us and lead us in doing that. Is God your rock where you will not be shaken? is your faith like David’s who can say that the Lord is my refuge or do we look to other things? David then tell all of his people to trust in him at all times and pour your hearts to him. How kind and great is our God who want us to find refuge in him and yet has a soft heart to hear his children’s cries. Friends let us go to Jesus as our Rock and salvation and let us pour our hearts to him because he loves us and he cares for us.

