Hi Everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from Proverbs 12:18

The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

You may have read these words many times, however, it is a good reminder again that what words we speak can either pierce like swords or can bring healing to someone. In Children’s ministry this week we learned about what we say has impact on other people and how God wants us to use our words. It was really interesting because the kids even the younger ones understood that there are word that don’t feel good after someone says them and it makes them feel sad, hurt, and maybe even alone sometimes. As we think of this verse I am reminded of what we say has impact on those around us. Our words matter and when we don’t stop to think about what we are saying it can hurt and harm others. It is the wise that brings healing. What does it look like to be wise? It says in James 1:19 Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. Quick to listen to what others say and to think about what you are saying before you say it. 

Have you ever said anything when you were in the moment of a conversation that pierced like a sword? I am certain we all have, and there is forgiveness in Christ when we repent of that and ask Him to help is be wise and use words that bring healing. Allow Jesus to speak to us when we do say things that pierce like a sword so that we can come into more fullness with Christ as he transforms out minds to be more like Him. The tongue of the wise brings healing is so powerful as God can use us to bring healing to those around us as we are God’s servants. It is a great gift that we have that we have the opportunity to bring healing to others by using our words. May we be reminded that we need to not speak words that pierce like a Sword but to use words that bring healing. Our words matter friends and let us use words that God would use when speaking to or about one another.

