Hi Everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from Hebrews 5:7-9 :

During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.

Jesus was just like us because he was human, He suffered, had trials, asked God questions, and was very human in his emotions. Jesus lifted prayers and petitions up to God just as we do today. We can see that the author of Hebrews shows Jesus as fully human with human emotions. Jesus even in his prayers and petitions was heard by God because he submitted to the will of God. Jesus knew full well what was going to happen to Him and yet he still submitted to the will of God. Jesus learned that obedience is not what we wanted but it is how we suffer and how God can make that into something good. Jesus became our ultimate sacrifice so that we could have a relationship with God without going to a Priest. Only out of his suffering did he learn obedience to God’s will and therefore we have the gift of salvation.

Have we ever thought about how our prayers and petitions have been heard or seen by God? He knows and sees how things in our life is hard at times. He let’s us choose to either surrender to His will and allow him to do the work in us or we can disobey. It is out of these trials and suffering that Jesus learned obedience. What would it look like for us to learn obedience through out own trials and suffering? When we cry out to God he hears us because he has fulfilled his promise through Christ. There will be times where we will experience emotional and physical pain and we will not like it but how we respond in those situations is either to submit it to God’s will or to stand up and take control. What would bring greater faith, to allow God to speak into the pain or to tell God that you know better. This is easier said than done, however it is out of our suffering that we learn how to obey to the will of God. out of Jesus’ suffering on the cross became the greatest gift we have today! May we surrender to the will of God in times that are hard and offer God our prayers and petitions in humility.

