Hi all,

Sharing a devotional with you from Hebrews 4:12-13 – God’s Word is Active

This passage reminds me that God’s Word is alive and active. The analogy that’s given here is that God’s Word is like a double edged sword which reminds us of how powerful God’s Word is. Whenever we read God’s Word, it judges our soul, our thoughts and our attitudes. Whenever I’m acting against God’s will, His Word convicts me through the Holy Spirit, nudging and directing me back onto the right path. I am so thankful that God’s word makes us feel uncomfortable. It rightly should because whenever we feel uncomfortable, it means that God’s word is actively working, transforming us into the very image of Christ. May God’s word continue to convict us and make us feel uncomfortable, leading us to repentance. May His word guard us so that we don’t continue to sin against Him and hurting the people around us. God’s Word is love, and anything that’s contrary to that is going against what God wants for us. God loves us too much to leave us the way we are. God will convict us with His Word and leading us back into the awesome presence. May God’s word continue to actively work in our lives, penetrating our very souls so that we can be shaped into the image of Christ.

