Hi everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from Hebrews 12:4-12 – The Father Disciplines Those He Loves

This chapter reminds us that our God is a good and loving Father. Not only that, our Father is also a responsible Father. As His children, He disciplines us for our own good because He loves us. Whenever we go though discipline, it obviously does not feel good during the cleansing and the purification process. However, we are promised here that God is working in us. He wants to shape us into the image of Jesus. Whenever we go through trials or difficulties, if we remember that God is allowing it to happen because He wants us to grow, we can approach any and every situation with a much more positive mindset. A mindset that gives thanks to God rather than complaining. May we remember that our Father in heaven loves us too much to leave us the way we are because truth be told, we still have a lot of growing to do. So let us continue to fix our eyes on Jesus because we know we will come out stronger after enduring through hardships the Lord has set before us. The work God is doing in us will be evident in due time  as we continue to trust in the process. May the Father continue to discipline His children so that we can be reminded just how much He loves us.

