Hi everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from 2 Timothy 4:1-5 – Is God’s Word Absolute?

Here Paul warned Timothy to always be prepared to preach the word and to teach sound doctrine because there will come a time when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Not only was it happening during Timothy’s time, this has already been happening in our world today. God’s word is always being challenged, not only by the people outside of church, but those who claim to follow Jesus. It is becoming harder and harder to stand firm in the truth that Scripture teaches. Truth is exclusive. If one one thing is true, that would make everything else false. Our world has become relative and this has creeped its way into many churches. Everyone is wanting to do what they think is best. Everyone is coming up with their own standards and ideas. This world is ever-shifting. If people don’t like what they read in the Bible, they sometimes disregard it or even twist its meaning and turning it into something they want to hear. In this world that’s growing evermore rapidly with the embrace of relativism and self-proclaiming truths, we need to ground ourselves all the more in what Scripture teaches. The moment we begin to stray to the right or to the left, we can find ourselves falling away from the established truth God has set in Scripture. We need to be reminded that God’s word is absolute and what He has declared is absolute. These include but not limited to His salvation through Jesus Christ, morality, repentance, sin and eternal punishment.

May we continue to ground ourselves with Biblical values and morals so that we will not confuse or even twist what is right in the eyes of God. May we guard ourselves and guard the truth because truth is what sets us free.

