Hi everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 – Live by Example

What stood out for me in this chapter is how Paul led by example. Even Paul when he was with the Thessalonians, he didn’t just take advantage of the church’s hospitality. He worked hard and paid for his own things. He wanted to teach them and be a role model to them when he was there. In his speech, action and conduct, he modeled to them. He taught them not to be idle but needed to work hard. Not only did Paul taught it, he lived it out. He is also asking the church to imitate him, to work hard and not to be idle. The reason why some of them were idle, because they thought Jesus was coming back soon. So soon that they no longer needed to work and they became freeloaders. Paul reminded them that this wasn’t the case. Nobody knows when Jesus is coming back.

Therefore, everyone is to work hard. Paul urges the church to warn one another so that the church will not fall apart. May we continue to encourage one another to live true to the calling Jesus has for us. May we too lead by example so that we can be a positive role model to those around us especially in the community of faith.

