Hi everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 – Truth Unshaken

It is good to be reminded that whenever people are against us as we live out God’s instructions in our lives, they are not simply rejecting us but God Himself. That’s a scary thought. People don’t realize it, but standing against God is never going to turn out good. We are beginning to see this more and more in our world. People are against the values of the commands of Scripture. Sometimes even among believers, our values and opinions differ and stray away from Scripture. The power and the influence of the secular world is strong. The moment we begin to doubt the very truth of Scripture, that’s when our faith would become shaken.

So let us guard God’s word even when the world is straying further away from Scriptural truth. May we guard His word in our lives and in our hearts making it our foundation. God’s truth is the only truth believers must hold on to. Let it be that God’s truth will be unshaken in our hearts. May God be gracious and merciful to us as we hold on to His truth even when the world can make it difficult for us to do so.

