Hi everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from 1 Kings 11:1-13 – Weaknesses

Despite how wise and blessed Solomon was, everyone has their own weaknesses. For Solomon, they were his many wives. He married many women from other nations which the LORD has commanded them not to intermarry. The LORD knows that these other nations serve and worship other gods which will become a snare to Israel. This happened to Solomon and these foreign women have led him astray. It is extremely sad to see Solomon being the wisest man on earth to have fallen to the many wives he has chosen to marry. All this began because he has not chosen to follow God’s commands. He has not completely devoted himself to his first wife and his lust for women made him stumble. May we remember to guard our hearts with God’s word. All of us have weaknesses, and that’s why we need to have discipline in what we choose to do in life. May God guard our hearts so that we will not stray from the good word God has given us. Solomon’s choice have caused a lot of pain and heartache to his nation for generations to come. However, God remains faithful and He continues to orchestrate His salvation for all the earth in the line of David. So let us be reminded and guard our weaknesses. May we not give room for Satan to take advantage over our weaknesses which may eventually lead us further away from God. May God’s word bless us and give us life.

