Hi everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from 1 King 13 – Heed the Word of God

It is sad to see that even after King Jeroboam had experienced and was warned by God, he continued to do evil and refuses to repent. Kings had the highest given authority so if they would not listen to God’s word and His prophet, then who will they listen to? At the end of the chapter, it is because of Jeroboam’s lack of repentance, God was about to wipe the house of Jeroboam from the face of the earth. God is gracious and merciful, but there are times when God will lay down the hammer and judge our sins presently if we don’t turn back to God and repent. May we be reminded of God’s holiness, His righteousness and how He desires us to do good and not just His grace. So let us respond differently than Jeroboam who had chosen not to repent. Let us be a people who will heed the word of God and put it into practice. May God bless all of you as you continue to follow Him and heed to His Word that brings forth life.

