Hi everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from Mark 7:1-23 – What’s on the Inside?

In this passage, Jesus talks about the corruption of the heart. The Pharisees maintain a strict ceremonial washing thinking that would make them clean. While most people along with the Pharisees judge a person’s character on the outside, Jesus looks at the heart. What comes out from a person is what truly defiles. So often a person can look good on the outside, but on the inside is full of corruption. Have we acted friendly in front of others yet turn into a gossip machine in a moment’s notice? How are our thoughts, our words and our actions? It’s hard to judge a book by its cover. May we be reminded of that and ask God to purify our hearts. Only the conviction and the transformation of the Holy Spirit can cleanse us from the inside out. May Jesus transform us into the image of Christ so that we will be filled in genuine love for God and for others. All of us have areas in our life that requires cleansing from the Holy Spirit. May we humble ourselves and put away our pride to allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse our hearts and from all kinds of corruption. May God’s grace and mercy be with you all!

