Hi Everyone,

I’m sharing a devotional from Mark 5:21-43

There is a lot in these verses, Jesus first encounters Jairus who’s daughter was very sick and was dying asking Jesus to come and heal his daughter. Then Jesus encounters a woman on His way to Jairus’ house who believed that Jesus could heal her of her sickness only by touching his clothes. After that encounter with the woman Jairus is informed that his Daughter has just died and that there is no point of having Jesus come to his house. Jesus then says “Don’t be afraid, Just believe.” Jesus then goes to the house and tells everyone other than Jairus, his wife and the disciples to go outside and he raises his daughter back to life.

Did you notice that in the middle of Jairus’ story of his daughter being gravely ill was the woman who had the issue with blood? I find that so interesting that Jesus had time to stop and make room for the woman who touched His clothes. I wonder what Jairus was thinking or feeling as Jesus stopped and asked who touched His clothes. Jesus knew that the woman needed assurance that she was healed and He knew that she touched His clothes and He gave her a new identity in calling her daughter rather than the woman with the issue of blood. Jesus wanted her and others to see that she is healed and clean and this gives her a new identity as a daughter. In the midst of this Jairus’ daughter dies.

However, Jesus doesn’t stop and not show up to their house because Jairus’ daughter is dead, De says do not be afraid, Just believe! Jesus wasn’t late to save Jairus’ daughter, he arrived and had everyone leave the room other than her family, Peter, James and John. Jesus told the girl to get up and she did. Could it be that Jairus needed to see the faith of the woman and what Jesus did for her that he believed that Jesus could heal his daughter?

Jesus had enough time for both to be ministered to and He was not late in healing either person. Do we think God is late to the game at times when we ask Him to heal or move? Are there times where we think that Jesus is not quick enough, however, it may be that we need to see what Jesus is doing in the midst of other people’s lives to grow our faith in believing that He could heal us. God’s timing is perfect and never late, may we see that Jesus has time to heal and bless everyone!

