Hi everyone,

Sharing a devotional with you from Jeremiah 2 – Repentance

In this chapter, God is recounting the sins of Israel and how she has prostituted herself with idols. God listed the sins of Israel due to their unfaithfulness. When God judges, it’s a very terrifying thing to experience. Even though God has been patient and giving them numerous chances to repent, Israel had fallen too far. They would not listen to God. Due to their disobedience, God is now warning them to turn back and repent. However, if they continue to persist in their sinful lives, God will have to do more than that.

This chapter makes me think of the times when we rebel and don’t listen to God. I wonder if God were to speak to us today, what would He say? Are there sins in our lives that angers Him? Do we have idols? It’s good for us to reflect on that.

We have to remember that although our God is a loving God, He’s also a God of justice and righteousness. Due to His loving kindness, graciousness and mercy, He warns and gives us time to repent and to turn back to Him. However, if we don’t heed His warning, just like a loving father disciplines His children, our Father in heaven will discipline us for our disobedience.

Let us repent so that God can restore our lives. Sin and disobedience cause more harm than you think. May God restore and deliver us so that we can always have life to the fullest. Repent before sin can rob you anymore than it already has. Jesus came to set us free from that, so why live in it any longer? May the LORD bless you as you seek His glorious face!

