Sharing a devotional with you from Proverbs 14:6 – Refusing to Listen

What stood out to me would be verse 6 which says, “The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.” After reading this, another passage quickly came to mind was James 1:5 where James said, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” According to this passage, anyone who lacks wisdom, they should ask God and God will graciously give it to them. So the thing in question is what does Proverbs 14:6 mean when the mocker seeks wisdom and finds none? Now, according to James 1:5, God will give wisdom to anyone who asks and seeks for it. So what’s really happening here? How come when the mocker seeks wisdom, he or she finds none?

This in turn plays out a scenario where even though people may seek wisdom, but after finding out what they ought to do, they refuse to listen to wisdom (which is God’s word). They refuse to listen to instructions. They refuse to be corrected. So what’s the point of knowing wisdom if we in turn resent it and reject it? Wisdom will be of no use to us if we don’t choose to listen to her. Although some may seek wisdom, and God will graciously direct them on the right path, but at the end if they refuse to listen and resent the Lord’s rebuke, then naturally they will not find wisdom. They will just continue to do whatever they want. Listening to wisdom is not always the easiest to do because we have to admit we’re wrong or at fault or that we could have done better. It requires a spirit of humility to heed to words of wisdom and it takes a lot of courage to live it out. Pride is the biggest obstacle to receiving wisdom.

When God convicts us of sin, repentance is not as easy as some may think. When God is asking us to surrender some unhealthy life choices, we may be afraid to let go. I think all of us have experienced this personally already. The struggle is there, but at the end of the day, we all have to make a choice. To listen or not to listen? “But knowledge comes easily to the discerning.” Wisdom will be received to those who are willing to listen. A discerning person looks further, trusting God’s way will always work out for the best even though it may be challenging to follow. May we be reminded that no rebuke from our Father is ever easy, but our Father chooses to rebuke and discipline His children because He loves them (Heb 12:7-8). He treats them as His sons and daughters. God wants the best for His children. So when we are able to recognise that, it will give us the drive and the motivation to submit to God’s word. Let us listen to His words, to His instructions and to His rebuke so that we may experience the true life that our God has prepared for us. May the blessings of God be with you as you continue to follow Him always.

