Hi all,

Just wanted to share a devotional with you on Proverbs 12:13-22: Our Words Matter.

This chapter mentioned a lot on how we ought to use our words especially in verses 13, 14, 17, 18, 19 and 22. When we use our words well, it builds up and encourages one another. However, when we don’t, not only does the LORD detests lying lips, it also hurts and can destroy other people. Saying the right thing at the right time is so powerful and uplifting. But, whenever we say the wrong thing without filtering or having an ill intent to hurt others, then it cause a lot of harm. May God remind us that our words are powerful, it can give someone life or it can completely destroy them.

Just like what it says in verse 18, “18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Whenever we are upset, angry, frustrated or wanting to get back at someone, often times we don’t filter our words and become reckless with them. We’ll say things that would hurt and harm the person. Not only does it hurt the other person, but now there is a scar in your relationship. Whenever we let loose without holding back our tongue, the words that we utter, even though we may regret saying those things later, what is let loose cannot be taken back. No matter how much we apologise later, the damage has been done. So in the heat of the moment, may the Spirit remind us to hold back our words so that we will not say things we’ll regret. May God give us the wisdom and the self control to love one another with our words.

So let us then choose to use our words to fill others with life, to buildup, edify and encourage one another. Not only does it bring life, it is also pleasing to the LORD. I remember in my own life how a little encouragement from others can go a long way, building up my confidence, renewing my strength and encouraging me to continue to strive for the LORD. It’s really more powerful than you think. God wants to use us to bless others with our words. What a privilege this is that we can use our words to be a vessel for Jesus! May we be reminded this morning that our words are powerful and we need to use them to bring life to others. So let’s do that today. Would you use your words today to lift up at least one person? Would you bless them with God’s love so that they will be encouraged and edified? God wants to use you to be a blessing today!

