Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

There is a saying in a poem, “to see far and wide, you need to be at the higher ground”. It is true that we can see further from a higher mountain top. We aim high and set our goal, then work for it, we are on our way to reach our goal and be successful. We have to learn to let go of our stubbornness, try to follow God’s prompting and guidance, we will yield better results.

God’s thoughts and God’s ways are very different from ours, in fact, they are incomparable. The sacrificial love, the unconditional forgiveness of our sins, although we are rebellious so often and so long, God still accepts us, God gives us choices and the freedom to decide, God continuously gives us the blessings no matter what. These are just a few examples. God is patient with us, respect us. We are precious in His sight. It is beyond our understanding or comprehension on God’s thoughts, His ways, His mercy and His forgiveness. By faith we accept, we will have all the blessings that God has promised.

It is unreasonable to use our limited understanding and limited reasoning power to reason the almighty and sovereign God. God’s thoughts are higher than ours, God’s ways are higher than ours. Let’s think outside the box, stay at the higher ground, look up and look far. Don’t go in circle trying to use our own reasoning to satisfy our sense on God’s saving grace. Accept the fact of saving grace by faith, we will experience the truth and reality of our God.